Monday, October 29, 2012

Essay #5 [Example Essay]

Women who say they are daddy’s little girl usually are implying their spoiled.  Rather it is financially or emotionally, their dads are there to catch them before they fall.  My dad always let the fall happen, and showed me to be strong and handle it myself.  He taught me things, not just did them for me.  There are three things that he’s instilled in me, though not completely on purpose; it’s obvious I got them from my dad.  For example; I learned that swearing, though harsh, releases stress, duct tape fixes almost everything, and even if you’re wrong, if you argue like you’re right you eventually might win.

We call it “The Bickford Temper”.  I’ve seen my dad thrash things around, and swear at inanimate objects for years.  In fact, just this week he’s been trying to fix a leak in the roof from the inside.  For the past three mornings I’ve awoken to some banging and clanging in the attic above my bedroom followed by the words “God damn asshole!”  Then I hear a power tool, a heavy sigh, and another round of yelling curse words.  This goes on for an hour before finally it’s fixed.  After all that stress and aggravation has been released with the colorful language, he can relax.  I usually do the same thing.  You wouldn’t even want to know the words I spit just while trying to write an essay.  But, it gets me through the process.

Who needs a hammer and nails when the great invention of Duct tape exists.  Not my dad.  I’m surprised he didn’t just patch up the roof with it to be honest.  One of the many things he has used duct tape for is fixing my car.  In front of my tire is a plastic piece.  I’m not sure what it’s for, but I know that it cam detached and made an awful grinding sound whenever I turned the wheel.  So after I cussed out that damn piece of plastic I ask my father for help.  Out comes the Duct tape.  I think he used an entire role just to make sure that it wouldn’t get lose, and gosh oh golly it worked.  Now a year later, that duct tape is still holding.  I find myself using duct tape for many easy fixes.

Last, but not least, is the stubbornness.  If you talk loud enough about the point you are trying to make, eventually the other party will back down.  The majority of the time my father is just talking out of his ass.  I think most people just give up on trying to talk with him.  I can clearly remember having a heated discussion between us about what kind of lights should go on the Christmas tree.  He wanted the old fashion ones.  The ones that have huge bulbs, are all different colors, and are 10 times more likely to start a fire.  I of course wanted the tiny bulbs that you can set to blink, and are just white so they make the garland sparkle.  Well, he put his swearing into use.  “Those god damn bulbs are useless, and hurt my eyes, and too expensive etc.”  My only response was “So what! I want these ones. The big bulbs are ugly!”  Needless to say, I was unprepared for this fight.  The big bulbs went up.  However, over the years I’ve found that I gained his skill of backing the other person down.

I’ll admit I didn’t get many of my Dad’s traits, but I’m glad to say I got something from him.  To some it might not seem like much, or even be the best qualities for a person to have, but I use these tactics often.  They can’t solve all my problems, but it’s the first solution I try.  I can keep calm, fix things on my own, and stand up for myself, and it’s all thanks to my dad.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Example Essay Intro

Women who say they are daddy’s little girl usually are implying their spoiled.  Rather it is financially or emotionally, their dads are there to catch them before they fall.  My dad always let the fall happen, and showed me to be strong and handle it myself.  He taught me things, not just did them for me.  There are three things that he’s instilled in me, though not completely on purpose; it’s obvious I got them from my dad.  I learned that swearing, though harsh, releases stress, duct tape fixes everything, and even if you’re wrong, if you argue like you’re right you eventually might win.

Monday, October 22, 2012

GRAF #19 [Reaction to Timed Essay]

The timed essay was a challenge for me.  Not in the sense of writing it, but finding the time to do it.  I know; it’s only an hour out of my measly day.  However, I work all weekend. I start Friday at 10:00 a.m. and don’t stop until Monday at 10:00 p.m.   I usually put my efforts in during the week days, and it’s been easier knowing ahead of time what I have due.  Finding out the topic, and what kind of essay I had to write on a Friday and then having it due the following Monday was a task.  Luckily, I downed an energy drink, put a batch of cheesecake in the oven, and while I was waiting for the one hour timer to go off for that, I wrote.  And hopefully I wrote well.  I think I did the best effort I could do, but I was unsure if I understood correctly the idea of writing a contrast essay about something dirty and disgusting.  If i did, then I'm pleased with my piece, if not, then i'm still pleased with it, I just didn't have the right idea.

Essay #4 Timed Contrast

                Growing up I always had a list of chores. It’s something I figured most parents taught their children.  Knowing how to do the chores stuck with me, but doing them isn’t always a priority.  For years I had considered myself a messy person when it comes to house cleaning.  But then I experienced walking through the most disgusting house I think could ever exist.  I looked like a cleaning freak compared to this trash pit.  The difference of my mess in the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms was astonishing.
                If you walk into my house the first thing you see is the kitchen.  I usually have a small pile of dishes from the day, maybe even the night before, sitting in the sink.  The first layer of grime and grease is rinsed off but they still need a good wash.  The counter has some spilled sugar from missing my coffee cup.  The table has some mail and a few papers strewn.  The floor is a bit dusty, but the big bits of dirt have been swept.  Not too bad compared to the sight I walked into.  The first step through the door is a rancid stench.  Like dead, rotting carcasses were used as air fresheners.  The sink and counter tops are loaded with dishes.  The majority of them still had enough food for a meal.  Nothing you’d want to eat of course, unless you enjoy a layer of green slimy mold on top of your spaghetti.  The floors are sticky and stained from what you can tell are numerous spills nobody bothered to pick up.  The Table is now the new trash bag because the actual trash is overflowing.  I’d rather eat off my dusty floors then eat anywhere or off anything in that kitchen.
                Next is the living room.  It’s a public place.  Some where you can sit with company and visit, or relax and watch TV.  I’ll admit, if you sit on my couch, chances are you’ll stand up and be covered in cat or dog fur.  There are a few chew toys lying in the middle of everything.  I pile my shoes at the end of the couch.  The TV has a layer of dust, because I never think to clean it.  It’s presentable, even fresh I would say compared to the war zone I experienced.  I actually had to look hard for the couch.  I saw more garbage, books, toys, and just plain junk in general.  It was a towering heap of useless things.  The dust on the TV was so thick I thought it was a black and white TV show!  All I could smell was an odor of cat piss with a hint of clean linen scented Febreeze, which possibly just made it worse.   I didn’t even dare lean against the wall let alone try and find space for me on the couch.  The worst that could happen after leaving my living room is that you might have to use a lint roller, at least you won’t need a chemical shower.
                Lastly, the bathroom, a place used mostly to get clean. You brush your teeth, you shower, you shave, etc.  For me the bathroom is the hardest to keep up with.  There’s hair dye stains on the floor.  Q-tips around the trash can from missing when I try to throw them in.  I have toothpaste and floss strewn all over the place.  The shower has a few of my long black hairs stuck on the floor of it.  It’s enough to still feel clean when you walk out of it, unlike the hazardous area I saw.  The sink was covered in powder from make ups.  Piles of hair from shaving, and I mean PILES! I would guess an entire year’s worth!  Tooth paste stains and chunks all over the counter top.  The shower even had a glossy layer of slime.  And worst of all, something floating in the toilet.  Needless to say I held it until I got home. 
                After seeing all of those things, I gave myself a pat on the back.  I’m pretty sure my health was being jeopardized just by looking at those ungodly sites, let alone inhaling the smells.  I am no longer ashamed of the dirty dish in my sink, the fur ball on the couch, or the water streak on my bathroom mirror.  Seeing that mess also taught me to tidy up when I can.  Who knows, if you let things go uncleaned too long, you may end up with a shit storm like that.  Let it be a lesson to everyone, that those pesky chores, they really aren’t that bad.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

annotated source list

Jasper, Kathleen. "Types of Technology Used in the Classroom." EHow. Demand Media, 21 Sept. 2009 <>.

I had a basic of idea of what kind of technologies could be found in a classroom these days, but this cite helped verify the ones I did know, and then showed me some new technologies I didn’t know about.

"Where Will the Jobs for College Graduates Be in 2018?" Private Student Loans and College Loans. N.p., 20 June 2011 <>.

I wasn’t sure what the job opportunity for teachers would be.  I know in my town a lot of programs are getting cut and talk of school consolidation is at large.  Of course, I don’t plan on being a teacher for my home town.  This cite showed me that the need for teachers is only going to grow.

Oak, Manali. "Impact of Technology on Education.", 20 Mar. 2012 <>.

This cite showed some all the ways technology has impacted education.  The ways it has cut time, made learning easier, and how accessible it is.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Essay #3 Contrast Essay

         For me a pet just isn't an animal.  You don’t just get one to have something cute in your house.  You get one because you want to take care of it.  They are are a part of your family.  Five years ago I decided to take on the responsibility of raising two dogs at once. They were just over the 8 week mark when I picked them up. Originally I had only planned on getting one, I was lucky to only get out with two.  I had the urge to grab up the entire litter of 8.  They were a litter of Pit Bull, Rottweiler mix.  Not purposefully, I chose the Brute of the litter, and the runt.  Already a difference in them.  Who would have known that the differences would only show more with time.  Their personalities, their looks, and their life experiences are what make each puppy their own selves.

         Some say a dog is what you make it, but I think animals initially have their own set personalities. When I arrived at the house where I was expecting to only buy one puppy I was attentive to the mannerisms these cute balls of fur already had instilled. Pelta was the first to run up to me with her tail wagging and her tongue ready to give those little puppy kisses. She was bigger than the rest.  Seven was more hesitant and hid behind the leg of a couch. She was unsure what to think of this large person making kissy noises at her. Pelta became the leader of the two. She's the first to get in the garbage, the first to greet visitors, and the first to climb in bed, even before me. The word “No” isn't always in her list of words to listen to. Seven's always a step behind watching her. She looks for my approval before joining her sister. Luckily this meant she never gained the habit of dumpster diving. She listens well, and always lets me get comfortable in bed before she hops up and climbs under the covers. They definitely set each other apart, but both gained my love.

      When it comes to their looks, they couldn't be more different.  Pelta has simple coloring. Her body is a light tan with highlights of darker shades running through her. Around her eyes and nose is black. Her eyes are a deep brown. She also has a black birthmark on her tongue. When she was just a puppy she was chubby and wrinkly.  People used to think she was part Shar Pei.  She grew into her body though, and her block head and slimming figure shows the Pit bull in her.  Seven is a grayish brown. Her face is tan and patterned so that she has a widows peek. Her chest is tan too so it looks like she's wearing a vest. Her eyes are hazel with brown specks. I’d say she’s got the Rottweiler patterns, but her block head and body build is definitely pit bull.  She also has a black birthmark on her right leg.  If I wasn't there to pick them out from the same liter, I would never have known they are sisters.

         What life experiences can a dog really have?  Well, my two girls have been through a lot.  When they were 6 months old they ran off in the woods.  The snow was 8 feet high and they were small enough that they could glide on the top thin layer of ice.  It took us 2 days to find them.  This was just the beginning for them.

         I think I jinxed Seven when I gave her the name.  It was only a matter of weeks after she returned home from the woods that she was then hit by a car.  Her femur was broken, and luckily it was repairable.  That didn't stop her, she still played and was happy.  Then a year later she tore the ligament in her knee.  While she was healing from that surgery, she tore the ligament in her other knee.  My poor girl just can’t catch a break.  A year after that she had to have both legs re-operated on because they didn't heal right.  It all never stopped her. She runs, she swims, she jumps.  I consider her my child and I've taken care of her through every painful experience she’s had. 

         Pelta’s tragedies were less of the physical state.  I unfortunately had to move back in with my parents and was unable to keep her.  She was given to a good home though, and lived just down the road from me so the girls could keep their sisterly bond.  But After a year of her being in her new home the family was getting distracted.  They were keeping her in the basement all hours of the day.  She was growing restless and losing her sweet personality.  I finally took her back and searched for a new home.  She then went to a young couple.  They were people who could give her their full attention.  It was the loving home she needed.  Again, a year passed, the young couple had a baby.  Who has time for a dog with a new baby?   I got her back again.  I was becoming furious with the situation.  I couldn't keep her and no one else wanted her.  Finally, I found a good friend who had land for Pelta to run free on, kids who were old enough that they didn't need full attention, and Pelta would be played with every day.  She’s been in that home for 2 years now, and I’m so thankful it stuck.  Both girls have been through a lot in their 5 years, each with their own story.

         Both girls mean the world to me.  Not being able to keep Pelta was definitely something that always weighed heavy on my heart.  I know she’s happy and taken care of though.  As for Seven, she’s my little butt monkey.  She is by my side every day.  Rather she’s got her head out the car window when we go for a ride, or she’s curled up next to me hogging my bed.  I had a great time raising both girls at once even though it was a challenge.  Someday, I might even do it again if I could be lucky enough to find another two pups as loving, loyal, and personable as Pelta and Seven.

GRAF #18 [isearch Progress]

Usually I set aside some time each night I don’t work to get some of the research done. I have three days a week dedicated to school.  I haven’t done that over the past couple weeks.  I’ve been working on the weekly assignments and my other classes.  However, I started my isearch work as soon as it was assigned and think I got ahead enough in the beginning that I’m right on schedule now.   As far as my questions that can be found by researching online, I have atleast a graf for each one.  I’m still waiting to hear more from some teachers before I can complete the questions I have for that, but I think things are going smoothly.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Contrast Intros and graf 2

Intro 1
Five years ago I made the mistake of getting two puppies at once. One was a responsibility in itself, but two! What in the world was I thinking? They’re from the same litter, but the differences are impeccable. One is the brute. Her name is Pelta, which is Latin for Shield. The other is the runt. I named her Seven for my favorite number and for luck. Their personalities, markings, and life experiences are what made each puppy their own selves.

Inrto 2
For me a pet just isn’t an animal.  You don’t just get one to have something cute in your house.  You get one because you want to take care of it.  I once decided to take on the responsibility of raising two dogs at once.  They were just over the 8 week mark when I picked them out..  Originally I had only planned on getting one,  I was lucky to only get out with two.  I had the urge to grab up the entire litter of 8.  Ironically I chose the Brute of the liter, and the runt.  Already a difference in them.  Who would have known that the differences would only show more with time.  Their personalities, their coloring, and their life experiences are what make each puppy their own selves.

Graf 2?
Some say a dog is what you make it, but I think animals initially have their own set personalities. When I arrived at the house where I was expecting to only buy one puppy I was attentive to the mannerisms these cute balls of fur already had instilled. Pelta was the first to run up to me with her tail wagging and her tongue ready to give those little puppy kisses. She was bigger than the rest.  Seven was more hesitant and hid behind the leg of a couch. She was unsure what to think of this large person making kissy noises at her. Pelta became the leader of the two. She's the first to get in the garbage, the first to greet visitors, and the first to climb in bed, even before me. The word “No” isn't always in her list of words to listen to. Seven's always a step behind watching her. She looks for my approval before joining her sister. Luckily this meant she never gained the habit of dumpster diving. She listens well, and always lets me get comfortable in bed before she hops up and climbs under the covers. They definitely set each other apart, but both gained my love.

Essay #2 [Classification]

        Walking into a bar you can usually see all kinds of people. Sports fans, artists, teachers, tall people, short people, black, white, Hispanic, shy people, loud and obnoxious people. When it comes to where I bartend I don't have the pleasure of meeting such a variety. Except for loud and obnoxious, there's plenty of that. My bar sits in a small “mill town” where boys grow up to drive skidders, and forget about hygiene, while the women are mainly there for breeding. My bar is 1 out of 2 in the town, and it's in 1 of the 3 Chinese restaurants within a 1 mile radius. When I'm standing behind my bar waiting for the next customer to approach I already know what kind of people I am going to see. The women are cougars, the men are pigs, and the couples that walk in can be compared to a house cat. All are around the same age, (to be nice I'll simply say they are older than me), and each group has their own agenda.

        Most know that cougars are older woman looking to relive their youth. You can find them on the arm of any young man. Or at least her eyes are attached to one. I can tell when one walks in. Their eyes are shifty and their nose in the air as if they are searching and sniffing out their pray. There's a swing in their hips as if they are setting the bait. They laugh loud to draw attention, and frequently use the bathroom to strut their stuff on each trip. Their first sentence is usually “Where's all the good men around here?” Which they don't really care about “good”, and to be honest I don't know the answer. I hand them their fruity lady drink and move onto the next customer.

        When people think of pigs, most would say they are dirty animals who feed on slop. This goes for most the men that walk into my bar. They're still dirty from a day’s work, or sometimes are just plain dirty, and are looking for a piece of meat. I don't mean food, I mean any pretty little thing that walks by. “Hey sexy mama” spurts out from their thick grizzly beard that covers their mouth so you can't tell they only have 3 teeth in that nitwit skull. But hey, they have a wad of 50s in their pocket, perhaps that remark should be excused. I hand them their beer, resisting to show them an eye roll, and put my smile on the next customer.

        The domestic house cats are friendly and playful. These couples walk in and offer a caring smile. They flirt, they tease, they have humor, but they never cross the line. These customers are my favorite. Sometimes I sit back and watch them. Occasionally they'll be the kind to rub upon someone’s leg for a bit of attention, but always make their way back to the one they are with. They are all comfortable, and have an aura of power. They know they are worth my time and kindness. They know they are the favorites. They never take advantage. They are simply just out to have fun. They each stick to their routine. “The usual please” and I know what it is.

        I'll admit that once in a blue moon we will get some out-of-towners that fall out of these categories. Occasionally I get to see the well groomed man with manners. A hard working woman whose agenda is still work even if she is trying to relax with a drink. Groups of families gathering for a reunion and ready to raise a little hell. For me, it's nice to see a different type and get a break from the regulars. No matter what though, all these people are what make my job enjoyable. Rather I like it or not each one has become a part of my life.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Classification In and Outros Revised

Most bartenders would expect to see many different types of people. They can usually see customers that are different races, different ages. Some that have tattoos and piercings. Others that are a bit plain looking. Some might look like bitches, or assholes. Some of course are. There's a complete variety out there. When it comes to where I bar-tend, it's a complete turn around. When I'm standing behind the bar, I see the same three types day in and day out. I see cougars, pigs, and domestic house cats. All around similar ages even. All with their own agenda.

I'll admit that once in a blue moon we will get some out-of-towners that fall out of these categories. Occasionally I get to see the well groomed man with manners. A hard working woman who's agenda is still work even if she is trying to relax with a drink. Groups of families gathering for a reunion and ready to raise a little hell. For me, it's nice to see a different type and get a break from the regulars. No matter what though, all these people are what make my job enjoyable. Rather I like it or not each one has become a part of my life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Classification Outro

       These are the kind of people you will see at either of the two bars in my town. I'll admit that once in a blue moon we will get some out-of-towners that fall out of these categories, but usually this is it. Being a bartender, I try to distribute my good service equally. I smile, I'm friendly, and I do my best to give equal attention. Sometimes I wish I could ignore, or walk away from some of the people. I know I can't and I don't. So, rather I have to smile and bear it, or am truly enjoying it, all these people have become a part of my life. They are what makes going to work worth it.

GRAF #17 [Reaction to Remarks]

Sure, there are clearly three reasons laid out and enough detail to float those middle grafs. I'll take it.”

Knowing eventually I was going to have to write a reaction graf to this, I was thinking there was going to be an email or something with more to it. I guess this is it. At first I read it as if there was some chipperness to it. But the more I keep reading this sentence, I’m starting to wonder if it's just saying I’m meeting the bare minimum. There's no “This part was good” and “This part needs work” I think I was, or am expecting more feedback. At the same time I’m aware of  how busy you are. So I guess I'm not really sure what my reaction should be. Should I be enthused and know I did a good job, or should I be concerned and perhaps do some editing?

Classification Intros

Intro 1
Walking into a bar you can usually see all kinds of people. Sports fans, artists, teachers, tall people, short people, black, white, Hispanic, shy people, loud and obnoxious people. Well, when you work in a small town bar we don't have the pleasure of seeing such a variety. We have the usual’s. Same ol' people that walk through our doors every week, sometimes everyday. This will consist of Cougars, Pigs, and The Domestic house cats

Intro 2
If I go out of town for a drink I expect to see many different types of people. The bartenders are male and female. The Customers are different races, different ages. Some have tattoos and piercings. Others are a bit plain looking. Some look like bitches, or assholes. Some of course usually are. There's a complete variety out there. If I go for a drink in my home town, it's a complete turn around. All female bartenders for a start. As for the customers, well I see the same three types day in and day out. You've got the Cougars, the Pigs, and the Domestic house cats.