Friday, September 14, 2012

GRAF #10 [Person]

Have you ever met that type of person? The kind that have 5 teeth, two of which are rotted, an accent so thick you cant tell if it's from Maine, or the deep south, and a voice that seems to boom through an entire restaurant because they have no “inside voice”. Yet, they have more money in their pocket then I have in my life savings. These are the kind of men that walk into my bar. They have a sleazy sense of humor. Apparently I, a young and beautiful 24 year old, just love hearing sexual remarks because I'm forced to smile while I hand them a beer! I should be impressed that these sleaze bags can spend 50 dollars on mixed drinks while harassing me the entire time only to leave a two dollar tip. Telling me they have a bottle of whiskey and plenty of beer really persuades me to go party it up with these men that are twice my age. How could I forget that I'm a bartender!? That must mean I drink and party all the time with ANYONE who wants to offer. Those kind of men should think twice before opening their mouth to any woman. After my last incident where one of these men attempted to put their tip down my shirt as if I was a stripper, I've found my patience is gone and next time one of these men wont be so lucky to receive just a slap on the hand. Self dignity and respect comes before me trying to please some male chauvinistic pig for the hopes of making some money to put gas in my car.

1 comment:

  1. "The kind that have 5 teeth, two of which are rotted, an accent so thick you cant tell if it's from Maine, or the deep south, and a voice that seems to boom through an entire restaurant because they have no “inside voice”. Yet, they have more money in their pocket then I have in my life savings."

    We'll be doing a classification paper soon, and maybe you'll want to classify types of customers you deal with. Material like this would be great in a paper like that, and it certainly works here as well, even if you give us a composite type instead of a particular individual.

    Anyway, I tended bar many many long years ago, and even if it wasn't the type place where men would try to pick up the male bartender, every word here rings true.
