Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Graf #13 [Reaction to Cause Essays]

I read the first too example cause essays. The first one about love, and how it ends was well written and detailed, but I couldn't help but think “what a crazy women”. One because of the story of her own faults, but two for being so courageous as to share such an intimate example of failing at love. I'm not sure if I could find such a strong part in me to want to share something like that with anyone but myself and my closest friends. The second story I could relate with. I took dance when I was younger, and was a frequent quitter. In fact I never made it to my first dance recital. But her writing made me smile. This kind of writing that's personable, and gives the reader something to relate to is what I'd like to be able to do. I think to some degree I can already accomplish it, but I need to work on it more. The third essay I didn't bother reading for two reasons. One being I don't care for baseball, or sports in general. The other being the set up. No breaks, no graphs, just on big bundle of words and just glancing at it gave me a headache.

1 comment:

  1. I think the graf breaks and format got lost in translation--I'll see if I can fix that.
