Wednesday, October 17, 2012

annotated source list

Jasper, Kathleen. "Types of Technology Used in the Classroom." EHow. Demand Media, 21 Sept. 2009 <>.

I had a basic of idea of what kind of technologies could be found in a classroom these days, but this cite helped verify the ones I did know, and then showed me some new technologies I didn’t know about.

"Where Will the Jobs for College Graduates Be in 2018?" Private Student Loans and College Loans. N.p., 20 June 2011 <>.

I wasn’t sure what the job opportunity for teachers would be.  I know in my town a lot of programs are getting cut and talk of school consolidation is at large.  Of course, I don’t plan on being a teacher for my home town.  This cite showed me that the need for teachers is only going to grow.

Oak, Manali. "Impact of Technology on Education.", 20 Mar. 2012 <>.

This cite showed some all the ways technology has impacted education.  The ways it has cut time, made learning easier, and how accessible it is.


  1. QUESTION.. How would I format it for my e-mails?


    Scroll down and you'll see the model entry.
