Tuesday, September 25, 2012

GRAF #16 [Reaction to classification]

       The humor that was put into all three classification essays is a true inspiration. I'm not sure if it was on purpose, but all three had spots that made me laugh. The first one was the opening sentence. Incredible how she took a saying and turned it into literal types of men. The second one was the creative titles she came up with for each type of sports fan. The last because who would be so clever as to classify fish! I'm thinking to myself that humor is the way to go. Being a bartender I see all kinds of people walking into my work, and the majority are indeed funny. Funny looking, funny acting, or just plain old funny. I'm going to dig deep into my experiences and produce something that is as worth reading as these essays were. At least I'm hoping.

GRAF #15 [Meta-graf]

         I was having a conversation with my boyfriend about how this class was going and that the cause essay was my next big assignment. Jokingly I told him I was going to write it about how awful he was and why women shouldn’t date a guy like him. Truth is he's one of the nicest and considerate men I have met and any woman would be lucky to have him. I thought I would share our story of how we met. I Wrote 3 intros and the entire essay, then after reading the comments I changed my mind. Turns out our story isn't as easily transformed into a cause essay as I thought. Though I think I also misinterpreted what a cause essay was. Regardless, I didn't want to rewrite new graphs because I don't think I could do it.
         Then I was at work, bored and waiting for customers, and wishing I had brought my laptop to do some work. Then I moved onto thinking I need to attempt a different topic for my cause essay. Then I was stressing about how hard that was going to be. Then I was stressing about how I might fail again. Then I remembered, oh yeah. I've already failed once. I know the cause for my failure. I can definitely write about that. It's worth an attempt.
        Poof! There's my cause essay.

Essay #1 Cause essay

          “I'm the first one!!!” I bragged about it through the hallways. In the main entrance, on the big bulletin board, I was the first name out of all the seniors in my class to be accepted to college. I was full of pride. High School wasn't the place for me, so working hard and graduating a semester early was a big accomplishment! I thought I was ready for bigger and better things, so only three days after graduating I packed my bags and shipped off to college. What 17 year old doesn't think they can take on their world no matter how unprepared they are? Looking back I see it was no surprised I failed. I had moved to fast, didn't put in the time to work hard, and partying of course was a huge factor!

Graduating on a Friday and starting college on the next Monday was not the best idea. Most high school graduates have a 3 month summer where they have an opportunity to adjust from being in high school to being a college student. It's an opportunity to experience the real world before being thrown into it. A chance to plan their future instead of playing it by ear. I had 3 days. On day one I received my congratulations, on day two I said my goodbyes, and on day 3 I said hello to my new life. I wish I had taken the time to adjust. I feel I would have succeeded.
Next were the courses. I took 4 on campus and one online. The 4 on campus were a distraction in itself from my class that was online, but also I was in a whole new place. I was making new friends and living in a city! I was no longer in a small town where a night of fun required a 45 minute drive. My life was in my hands, and I wanted to live it! I think it was during the 4th week of the semester that I knew I was slacking. I even tried giving the bare minimum, but with everything around me I couldn’t even succeed at that.
Who can forget those college parties. I was never a drinker, or even much of a social bird in high school, but college was a whole new story. The people were so kind and accepting. I don’t recall meeting one person that I didn't get along with. Drinking games were bringing us all together. The beer pong, Up and down the river, and once everyone was drunk enough we took a step back into our past and played spin the bottle. Being social and tipping back some beers became my new priority. I didn't need to pass my classes, I had a plethora of new friends! I wish I would have had the skills to priorities my responsibilities, then perhaps I wouldn't have failed.

Here I am almost 7 years later finally ready. Though I have many moments where I think 'I could be graduated already and have a career' I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. I learned through my failure that I was someone who needed to gain some maturity before putting anymore money and time (or lack there of) into my education. I have attempted college a few times between then and now, but I've never truly felt ready. Some people are blessed with the natural gift of being stern with themselves and getting school done as soon as possible, I however was someone who had to wait. I had to gain a stability in my life, and a confidence in myself. Now I know how to handle multiple responsibilities and I'm happy to say school is one of them. This time, I will succeed!

GRAF #14 [Research Plan]

I started researching for my isearch the day we had to choose a topic. I've found my questions and now to find the answers. Some I've just searched online. Some of the answers can be found on the generic sites, but I'm looking beyond the simple answers. I'm thinking the more I research the more sub questions I can think of. Also over the past couple of weeks I've emailed teachers the questions I designed for them. They have been helpful as to already have answered them, and they are continuing to pass them along so I wont be at a shortage of answers and opinions. There are also a few questions that I can only answer. I'm slowly getting an idea the more I read, and the more I hear from teachers.  

Isearch What I Know

What I already Know
To be honest I don't know much about my topic. I know it's hard work, but can also be fun. It requires commitment and a knack for children. It requires patience, and knowledge. I know that not all teachers are the same. I know that not all children are the same. I know I want be a teacher. I know education, technologies, and techniques have changed even since I was in school 6 years ago. 
 I do know that technology plays a huge part in the classroom. When I was a secretary for a schools administrative office I spent my days entering assessment scores, so I know tests are important, though not sure why really. I know I don't want to teach history or math. I know that from watching my mother teach throughout my entire life that it takes a big heart, and a lot of time to give equal attentiveness to all students. Also that each student is worth a teachers time.  I also know that right now a lot of teachers are readying to retire, so more teaching jobs will be coming available.
However, when it comes to the majority of my questions I simply just don't know the entire answers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cause Essay Outro

Here I am almost 7 years later finally ready. Though I have many moments where I think 'I could be graduated already and have a career' I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. I learned through my failure that I was someone who needed to gain some maturity before putting anymore money and time (or lack there of) into my education. I have attempted college a few times between then and now, but I've never truly felt ready. Some people are blessed with the natural gift of being stern with themselves and getting school done as soon as possible, I however was someone who had to wait. I had to gain a stability in my life, and a confidence in myself. Now I know how to handle multiple responsibilities and I'm happy to say school is one of them. This time, I will succeed!

Cause essay Intros revised.

I decided to change my subject.
Intro 1

I was on top of the world. 17 and already accepted into a college. I was ready to get a start on my future. I graduated a semester early, and three days after my last day in high school I moved into the dorms at Southern Maine Community College. I felt like such an adult. I had a full course schedule and was ready to give my all. Or so I thought. It turned out I took on more than I thought and I failed. My failure can be put into three reasons why. Partying, no study tactics, and in all its simplicity I just plain old jumped the gun and had moved too fast.

Intro 2
“I'm the first one!!!” I bragged about it through the hallways. In the main entrance, on the big bulletin board, I was the first name out of all the seniors in my class to be accepted to college. I was full of pride. High School wasn't the place for me, so working hard and graduating a semester early was a big accomplishment! I thought I was ready for bigger and better things, so only three days after graduating I packed my bags and shipped off to college. What 17 year old doesn't think they can take on their world no matter how unprepared they are? Looking back I see it was no surprised I failed. I had moved to fast, didn't put in the time to work hard, and partying of course was a huge factor!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cause Essay Intros

    Intro 1
I never knew it was possible to connect with someone so easily and quick. It was two and a half years ago now, but I remember him walking through the doors of my house. My first thought was “Who is this scrawny kid with the glasses and why is he in my house!?” Within the first hour he became my friend, and by the end of the night he became my husband.

Intro 2 
I never thought I would utter the words “we're getting married” Then again, I didn't mean it so literal. My boyfriend is someone who means the world to me. From the day we met I labeled him my husband. For some reason he plays along and calls me his wife. Our relationship bloomed from strangers to friends to an incredible relationship within one night.

Combination of 1 and 2 creating intro 3
I never thought I would utter the words “we're getting married” Then again, I didn't mean it so literal. It was two and a half years ago now, but I remember it as if it was yesterday.  From the day we met I labeled him my husband. For some reason he plays along and calls me his wife.  Our relationship bloomed from strangers to friends to an incredible relationship within one night.

Graf #13 [Reaction to Cause Essays]

I read the first too example cause essays. The first one about love, and how it ends was well written and detailed, but I couldn't help but think “what a crazy women”. One because of the story of her own faults, but two for being so courageous as to share such an intimate example of failing at love. I'm not sure if I could find such a strong part in me to want to share something like that with anyone but myself and my closest friends. The second story I could relate with. I took dance when I was younger, and was a frequent quitter. In fact I never made it to my first dance recital. But her writing made me smile. This kind of writing that's personable, and gives the reader something to relate to is what I'd like to be able to do. I think to some degree I can already accomplish it, but I need to work on it more. The third essay I didn't bother reading for two reasons. One being I don't care for baseball, or sports in general. The other being the set up. No breaks, no graphs, just on big bundle of words and just glancing at it gave me a headache.

Graf #12 [Revised Place]

Every year on memorial weekend I take that ride down the dirt road. The grass is turning to a bright healthy green and the trees are full after a harsh winters strip. The second I open my car door and step out I take a deep breathe and smile. That first moment is always what I remember most. It's like there's diamonds floating on top of the water. The sun beams down from the east. The sky a bright blue with a few cotton ball clouds. The water is calm with only the reflection of trees to be seen. The sound of loon calls echo across the lake. The air is crisp and fresh. I look forward to this every year. It's like my own little sanctuary. There's no worries, no cares. For 3 months of the year, this is my home, and every year I wish It would never end. Unfortunately, once the first day of September hits, we lock the doors, and I wait impatiently for the next year when I can reopen, and experience the serenity again.

Monday, September 17, 2012

GRAF # 12 [Place]

It's like there's diamonds floating on top of the water. The sun beams down from the east. The sky a bright blue with a few cotton ball clouds. The water is calm with only the reflection of trees to be seen. The sound of loon calls echo across the lake. The air is crisp and fresh. Every summer this is what I wake up to. I have had the pleasure of enjoying these things at my camp for 24 years now. Every year it only gets better.

GRAF #11 [research history]

The pain was excruciating! All I did was cough and I was on my knees, hunched over the couch, and tears pouring from my eyes. I had managed to throw my back out. I was 22 at the time. I didn't know that someone my age could even have this kind of problem. It took me 30 minutes to crawl from the couch to the bedroom which was only a mere 5 feet away. With each inch forward the pain spiked. I didn’t know what had happened, I didn't know how to fix it. I was in a panic. I learned the hard way that my bed had no back support, Flexeril is a mighty good relaxant (though it gave me weird dreams), and the cortisone shot was my best friend. Finally after five days of torture I could walk again. To this day I still have pain, and luckily it can be fixed with a few ibuprofen. I also know to rest on a flat surface before it gets too bad.

Friday, September 14, 2012

GRAF #10 [Person]

Have you ever met that type of person? The kind that have 5 teeth, two of which are rotted, an accent so thick you cant tell if it's from Maine, or the deep south, and a voice that seems to boom through an entire restaurant because they have no “inside voice”. Yet, they have more money in their pocket then I have in my life savings. These are the kind of men that walk into my bar. They have a sleazy sense of humor. Apparently I, a young and beautiful 24 year old, just love hearing sexual remarks because I'm forced to smile while I hand them a beer! I should be impressed that these sleaze bags can spend 50 dollars on mixed drinks while harassing me the entire time only to leave a two dollar tip. Telling me they have a bottle of whiskey and plenty of beer really persuades me to go party it up with these men that are twice my age. How could I forget that I'm a bartender!? That must mean I drink and party all the time with ANYONE who wants to offer. Those kind of men should think twice before opening their mouth to any woman. After my last incident where one of these men attempted to put their tip down my shirt as if I was a stripper, I've found my patience is gone and next time one of these men wont be so lucky to receive just a slap on the hand. Self dignity and respect comes before me trying to please some male chauvinistic pig for the hopes of making some money to put gas in my car.

isearch why

It’s taken my 24 years to finally decide what I want to be when I “grow up”. So as I’m working towards my future as a teacher there are some questions I need answered. I want to be at least slightly prepared for what I'm going into. As far as my questions go there will be some I can do with simple internet research, some that I will be asking directly to teacher, and some that I will have to answer myself when my researching is done. I'm hoping this will not only help prepare me, but will also help me chose a subject and grade level to teach when my studies are done.
  • What is No Child Left Behind?
  • How big a part does technology play in education now?
  • What technologies are used in today's classroom?
  • Will there be jobs available when I am done my schooling (hopefully by the year 2018)?

  • How do teachers today think education has changed over the past decade?
  • Where do teachers think education is going?
  • What are some techniques teachers use today to keep students interested and motivated in their classroom?
  • How do teachers meet the needs of all their students?
  • What grade levels and subjects have asked teachers taught?
  • Which grade levels and subjects have asked teachers enjoyed the most?
  • Which subjects would be most interesting to teach?

  • How can I make a classroom fun and effective?
  • How can teaching be interesting and fun for me?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

isearch background

Throughout my life my mother has been my biggest influence to go into teaching. I never realized it until the past year though. I’ve seen her treat all her students with kindness. I’ve heard words of praise from all of her students, even the ones she had thirty years ago. She’s been an inspiration to me to be a kind, tolerant, and loyal person. I feel like I’ve grown into a person that has the drive to put everything she has taught me into a career.
When I was nineteen I started a job as an administrative secretary at a local school district. That was when I got a chance to do some substitute teaching. I have to admit that being a substitute is nothing like being the real teacher that does it every day, but as far as the students go I really enjoyed myself.
One experience I had was with kindergartners. We did an in class assignment where they had a piece of paper with 4 circles. I would say “lets pick up the blue crayon and color any one of those circles” once they were done I did the same with red, green, and yellow. All the kids were smiling and coloring hard. There was one young girl that was having a hard time and burst into tears. I walked over and told her it’s okay I’m here to help. I showed her the color and explained again she could color any circle she wanted to. She wiped her tears and continued to work.
I also got to experience teaching high school students at the vocational school. This was too boring for me. The teacher left a note “They know what to work on.” So I sat and twiddled my thumbs for hours on end. This helped me make the decision to NOT teach high school level. As well as the stacks of paperwork I've continuously seen on their desks over the years.
This brings me to now. I’ve narrowed it down that I would like to teach somewhere between the grades of 4th and 8th. I have no idea what subject I’d like to teach, I don’t know how much time will pass before I can even start teaching. I have very little knowledge of the career I’ve finally chosen. I just know I want to be able to impact lives the way I’ve seen my mother do.

Monday, September 10, 2012

GRAF #9 [Object]

 There’s a bracelet I wear. It’s a tennis bracelet made of pink ribbons and pink diamonds between each link. Others just see it as another supporter for the fight against breast cancer. Just by looking you wouldn’t know what real significance that bracelet holds.
I was too young to remember when it happened, but my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was lucky enough to have survived it with a mastectomy. I have a faint memory of being in her room at the hospital after she had woken up from her surgery. I don’t recall any questions or concerns. I just knew she was okay and we had a long car ride home. For a few years after I don’t think I ever really knew that it was cancer she had. I just knew one breast was missing and I never wondered why.
It wasn’t until I was in my early teens that my aunt had gotten cancer for the second time and I realized how scary it was and how lucky my mother was. My aunt’s cancer had been in remission but after years of being cancer free it came back hard. It ended up being in her bones. Unfortunately my last memory of her is sitting outside the room while she was on her last breathe. But I’m grateful to have so many good memories of her.
I used to stay at her house on the weekends. If it was raining we would stay inside and watch t.v. When the sun was out we ran in the fields of long grass around her house. She had a muddy pond all us nieces and nephews were too scared to jump into, yet once we pushed one another in we would swim all day. She would wake me up for scrambled eggs at breakfast before I would be her little helper when mending the horses. Before bed we would rock on her porch swing while she told a story that always ended with laughter. Thankfully not a lot of memories involve her being sick. I recall her having no hair, but by the smile on her face you’d never know she was ill.
After learning my mother had cancer, and that my aunts life was taken by it you can imagine that I have a big fear it will be passed down to me. The bracelet isn’t only a symbol for my support of the survivors and those less fortunate, it’s a symbol of hoping that if my day comes, I will survive too.  

GRAF #8 [reaction to isearch]

 I read and skimmed through a few of the past isearch papers. I noticed there were a lot about building things and the others having to do with children. (Neither of which I know much about) Topics aside, I like how people put their own personal stories into their knowledge of their topics. Then I started thinking if I would be able to do the same. I started to doubt myself for the facts that I don't have much knowledge about teaching, and my lack of certainty of what I plan on teaching. But after searching through my own personal thoughts, I decided I have enough to make this isearch personal and as well as fact full.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

GRAF #7 [isearch brainstorm]

It didn’t take much brain storming time to choose my topic for the isearch.
So now, I’ve decided to sit down and brain storm more questions/ideas that would make this more interesting and self involving rather then be all “researchy” questions.
Some questions for me to figure out:
How many years of school will I need before I can teach?
Which subjects would be most interesting to teach?
How can I make a classroom fun and effective?
How can teaching be interesting and fun for me?
Will there be jobs available when I am done my schooling?
Questions to ask teachers: (you, being the teacher)
How do you today think education has changed over the past decade?
Where do you think education is going?
What are some techniques you use today to keep students interested and motivated in your classroom?
How do you meet the needs of all your students?
What grade levels and subjects have you taught?
                Which grade levels and subjects have you enjoyed the most?
Some ways to interject myself into this paper:
My experience as a substitute teacher
Some learning techniques I used in school
My mother being a teacher

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

GRAF #6 [Unique]

I’m best known for my tattoos.  “The star girl” they say.   I have 9 nautical stars starting from my left front shoulder and ending at my cleavage on my left breast. They are of different sizes and slightly faded in spots and blown out in others. This is the result of being a new tattooist’s guinea pig. My other “well-known” tattoo is the word “VERITAS” meaning truth in Latin. The font is called “fairy” and the letters kind of blend together.  I have about 10 more, but none of which people can see without me revealing some skin.  My hair is dyed jet black with 6 inch roots of dark brown.  I haven’t cut it in 2 years so it’s about 5 inches away from my tailbone.  I usually have my bangs pulled back away from my face.  I have deep blue eyes that most people confuse for grey or sometimes brown.  My eyelashes are so long that occasionally I need to trim them or my eyelids get too heavy.   I have a scar above my lip on the right side from when I had my Monroe pierced. It never healed correctly so I had to let it fill in. I have two more scars on the left of my lower lip for the same reason.   Behind my lips is a smile that took 4 years of braces to create.  Though some of my lower teeth have sense shifted I still take pride in my years of patience and maintaining.  On my left ring finger is a 10 dollar ring that gives the perception that I’m married, but it’s mainly used to tone down the horny bastards that walk into my work on the nights I bartend.   I can be a bit of a pushover.  I have a heart that’s forgiving.  I make myself available to people who need an ear to talk to or a set of arms to wrap around them.  I have a sinnical and sarcastic sense of humor.   These things are what make me unique and everyone that knows me will most likely say the same.

GRAF #5 [Reaction to isearch brainstorm]

When I hear the word brainstorming my mind automatically goes to "The web.”  Throughout school they teach you to pick your main idea and put it in a bubble, then have lines and more bubbles hanging off that bubble, which are filled with more ideas about your original idea.  It sounded messy.  It looked messy.  It never worked for me. The brainstorming example you show seems to be useful. It's making the process easier.  Being able to choose anything to write about instead of being told is already making things a breeze. Though I have less things to think about then in the example, I’m finding just the technique of starting with a bunch of things (even some that are just mumbo jumbo), and then narrowing it down into an actual topic with ideas is working.  I will be using this not just for my isearch but for all the assignments.