Friday, September 14, 2012

isearch why

It’s taken my 24 years to finally decide what I want to be when I “grow up”. So as I’m working towards my future as a teacher there are some questions I need answered. I want to be at least slightly prepared for what I'm going into. As far as my questions go there will be some I can do with simple internet research, some that I will be asking directly to teacher, and some that I will have to answer myself when my researching is done. I'm hoping this will not only help prepare me, but will also help me chose a subject and grade level to teach when my studies are done.
  • What is No Child Left Behind?
  • How big a part does technology play in education now?
  • What technologies are used in today's classroom?
  • Will there be jobs available when I am done my schooling (hopefully by the year 2018)?

  • How do teachers today think education has changed over the past decade?
  • Where do teachers think education is going?
  • What are some techniques teachers use today to keep students interested and motivated in their classroom?
  • How do teachers meet the needs of all their students?
  • What grade levels and subjects have asked teachers taught?
  • Which grade levels and subjects have asked teachers enjoyed the most?
  • Which subjects would be most interesting to teach?

  • How can I make a classroom fun and effective?
  • How can teaching be interesting and fun for me?

1 comment:

  1. Some of these questions work fine for isearch, others I have doubts about.

    Why, for example, ask about NCLB. A few minutes with google and wiki will tell you the facts, the problems, the controversies. Any teacher faces those, so it's material that's hard to individualize, to isearch-ize.

    Other questions are more fruitful and might lead to subquestions--the last two, for example.
