Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cause essay Intros revised.

I decided to change my subject.
Intro 1

I was on top of the world. 17 and already accepted into a college. I was ready to get a start on my future. I graduated a semester early, and three days after my last day in high school I moved into the dorms at Southern Maine Community College. I felt like such an adult. I had a full course schedule and was ready to give my all. Or so I thought. It turned out I took on more than I thought and I failed. My failure can be put into three reasons why. Partying, no study tactics, and in all its simplicity I just plain old jumped the gun and had moved too fast.

Intro 2
“I'm the first one!!!” I bragged about it through the hallways. In the main entrance, on the big bulletin board, I was the first name out of all the seniors in my class to be accepted to college. I was full of pride. High School wasn't the place for me, so working hard and graduating a semester early was a big accomplishment! I thought I was ready for bigger and better things, so only three days after graduating I packed my bags and shipped off to college. What 17 year old doesn't think they can take on their world no matter how unprepared they are? Looking back I see it was no surprised I failed. I had moved to fast, didn't put in the time to work hard, and partying of course was a huge factor!